To ensure the quality of our products, we focus on quality control in our factories.
We also accept quality measurement requests for products manufactured outside the company.
At Kanae Kogyo, we emphasise quality control processes to produce better products. We have measurement facilities that small and medium-sized manufacturing plants are not fully prepared for, and we use them not only to guarantee the quality of our products, but also to further improve quality. In addition to products manufactured in-house, we also respond to requests from outside companies. We support manufacturing.
Example of quality measurement menu
Measurement of product dimensions, shape, volume and surface area
Simulation using CAD data, etc.
Roundness, cylindricity, inner and outer diameter of a circle
Flatness, parallelism, squareness, position
Line roughness measurement, surface roughness measurement, plane measurement
Surface roughness
Contour shape
Coating thickness measurement, material analysis
Quality measuring instruments
KANAE KOGYO has the following measuring instruments.
Quality Measurement Business
KANAE KOGYO offers measurement services for third-party products.
Please contact us for measurement of metal products and parts for manufacturing plants, contract manufacturers, trading companies, etc.